GDPR Compliance Policy

GDPR Compliance Policy for Lura Food

1. Introduction

Lura Food is committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of its users and visitors. This GDPR Compliance Policy outlines our commitment to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and explains how we collect, use, and safeguard personal data.

2. Data Collection

a. Data Collected: We collect the following types of personal data when you visit or use our blog:

Email address
IP address
Location data (if provided)
Cookie data (as described in our Cookie Policy)
b. Purpose of Data Collection: We collect and process personal data for the following purposes:

To provide blog updates and newsletters (with explicit consent)
To improve our website and user experience
To respond to user inquiries and comments
3. Consent

a. Explicit Consent: We obtain explicit consent from users before collecting their personal data for purposes such as newsletters and marketing communications.

b. Withdrawal of Consent: Users have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. They can do so by following the instructions provided in our communications or by contacting us at [email protected].

4. Data Security

We take reasonable steps to ensure the security of personal data, including but not limited to encryption, access controls, and regular security assessments.

5. Data Retention

We retain personal data only for as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this policy or as required by applicable laws and regulations.

6. Data Subject Rights

Under GDPR, individuals have certain rights regarding their personal data, including the right to:

Access their data
Correct inaccuracies
Erase their data (in certain circumstances)
Restrict processing
Data portability
Object to processing
To exercise these rights, individuals can contact us at [email protected].

7. Data Sharing

We do not sell, rent, or share personal data with third parties unless explicitly stated and with the user’s consent.

8. Cookies

Our use of cookies is explained in our separate Cookie Policy, which can be accessed [link to your Cookie Policy].

9. Data Breach Notification

In the event of a data breach that poses a risk to individuals’ rights and freedoms, we will notify the appropriate supervisory authority and affected individuals as required by GDPR.

10. Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding your personal data and GDPR compliance, please contact us at:

Email: [email protected]

11. Changes to this Policy

We may update this GDPR Compliance Policy as necessary to reflect changes in our data processing practices or regulatory requirements. Any updates will be posted on this page.